Ferrous ascorbate eq. to elemental iron 100mg+ Folic acid 1.5mg + Zinc Sulphate 22.5mg.
Iron deficiency anemia
Zinc deficiency
Iron and folic acid are effective in improvement of hemoglobin and treatment of anemia.
[Cad Saude Publica. 2008; 24 Suppl 2:s259-71.]
Iron in combination with zunc as supplement is efficacious as nutrition.
[Nutrition. 2007 Apr; 23(4):292-5. Epub 2007 Mar 13.]
Zinc in combination with other supplements reduces the prevalence of anemia in adolescent.
[Food Nute Bull. 2008 Sep; 29(3): 186-94.]
Folic acid reduces the neural tube defect in early pregnancy.